UCI Haiti

Teaching. Equipping. Uniting.



United Christians International

One God. One Lord. One Spirit.
One Community.

Ephesians 4:3-6

"Work hard to live together as one by the help of the Holy Spirit. Then there will be peace.  There is one body and one Spirit. There is one hope in which you were called.  There is one Lord and one faith and one baptism. There is one God. He is the Father of us all. He is over us all. He is the One working through us all. He is the One living in us all."

UCI Haiti Mission

Helping People Know & Experience God By:


  • Teaching The Bible
  • Pastoral Training
  • Leadership Development
  • UCI Elementary School
  • UCI University


  • Training National Leaders
  • Agricultural Projects
  • Agricultural Training
  • Medical Training


  • Evangelism
  • Nutrition Center
  • Health Clinic
  • Building
  • Service Projects
  • Short-Term Missions