UCI Haiti

Teaching The Word Of God



Teaching The Word Of God

“And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others.” 2 Timothy 2:2

With evangelism, discipleship and training as UCI’s main focus of ministry, teaching the bible had to be the top priority out of which all vision and ministry would flow. The bible is at the heart of all education initiatives from the elementary school, to the university, to pastoral training and leadership development.

In Caiman

Pastoral Training & Leadership Development

UCI was founded in 2005 on this primary desire to share JeanJean’s seminary training with the lay pastors of his hometown of Caiman.

UCI Elementary School

In a country where almost 50% of children do not have the opportunity to complete a primary education, UCI elementary school hosts over 600 students.

UCI University

The University at UCI is host to one of the leading medical programs in the country along with seminary, agriculture, and business programs.